Truth Trimuphs Over Tradition!!!
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Jesus vs the Tradition of The Elders

The Truth will either free you or anger you if you have a hidden agenda. The religious during Christ's time had an agenda.

Jesus came to show them the truth about the Kingdom. It was truth that did not agree with those professing the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Even now we see people who will not see truth because of the traditions of the Elders.


Nobody likes the Ol Truth Teller

There are those that claim that the End of the World is near, and that all is coming to an apex.

They take prophecy from the Bible and preach doom and gloom. The book of the Revelation was to SHOW THINGS THAT WERE TO SHORTLY COME TO PASS!!!

Does Quickly mean Quickly? Where is Antichrist in the book of Revelation?

John the Baptist preached the Kingdom of God was at HAND!!!

Jesus preached the Kingdom of God was at HAND!!!

In 1st John chapter 2, the Apostle tells the Church, that it is the last time, and that there are already antichrists in the world. These antichrists that John speaks of, are not the kind of Endtime hooey. They are Judaizers, and Paganizers that  once been part of the church, and then left in apostacy.

The Christian Tradition of the Elders teach that the Antichrist is the Beast of Revelation 13, and also the Man of Sin in 2nd Thessalonians 2:3.

When we re-examine the scriptures we find that 1st John 2:18, 2nd Thess 2:3 have nothing to do with Revelation 13:18.

One only needs to study this out carefully to see the truth, and expose the Tradition of the Elders.


Evangelist D. Benincasa

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